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WATCH: Duduzane Zuma testifies at his culpable homicide trial
Zuma testifies in culpable homicide trial
Duduzane Zuma trial: State drops culpable homicide charge
Duduzane Zuma culpable homicide case begins
Breaking down Duduzane's culpable homicide testimony
Judgment in Duduzane Zuma's culpable homicide case, 12 July 2019
WATCH: NPA explains why charge of culpable homicide against Duduzane Zuma was dropped
WATCH: Duduzane Zuma due back in court for culpable homicide case
Duduzane Zuma's trial on 2 charges of culpable homicide on Tuesday
Duduzane Zuma's culpable homicide trial to begin in March
WATCH: Duduzane Zuma not guilty in culpable homicide case..
Duduzane Zuma pleads not guilty to one charge of culpable homicide